American Diamond - Page 37

Although Charlie deployed his skills and contacts to build a reputation as a diamond and colored stones dealer, he never intended to become a consumer resource. But the word about his quality, selection, honesty and value got out. From being an industry insider, wholesaling to the upscale stores, Charlie suddenly found customers walking in off the street to seek his expertise on purchasing gems. And he found himself selling them at prices he would normally charge the trade.
Thus was American Diamond formed. The same people you trust to bring you the finest pearls on earth can now provide you with the perfect accompaniment, diamonds, and other stones such as rubies and sapphires, enchanting examples of which are displayed on the following pages.
Charlie understood that knowledgeable customers are empowered customers. That’s why we explain what defines a diamond’s true worth. The balance of cut, color, clarity, carat, shape, polish and symmetry. Lesser-known factors like crown height, depth percentage, crown angle—everything that defines the anatomy of a stone, and therefore its price.
On our web site, in addition to thousands of gems, we offer an exclusive tool to source and customize the diamond of your dreams. Using our Diamond Search Engine, you can electronically mine through millions of dollars’ worth of polished diamonds to select the perfect stone, setting and design. Similarly, you can customize any of the rings shown opposite, using the Build Your Own Ring page.
All American Diamond stones are GIA-certified, as are those you find in Tiffany, Harry Winston and other major retailers. The only difference you’ll find is in the price.
However, we do more than just satisfy budgetary and aesthetic concerns. We believe that the more you know, the better your diamond and the more fulfilling the gift. All of which creates a value that will last for generations.
And that’s truly priceless.

Although Charlie deployed his skills and contacts to build a reputation as a diamond and colored stones dealer, he never intended to become a consumer resource. But the word about his quality, selection, honesty and value got out. From being an industry insider, wholesaling to the upscale stores, Charlie suddenly found customers walking in off the street to seek his expertise on purchasing gems. And he found himself selling them at prices he would normally charge the trade.
Thus was American Diamond formed. The same people you trust to bring you the finest pearls on earth can now provide you with the perfect accompaniment, diamonds, and other stones such as rubies and sapphires, enchanting examples of which are displayed on the following pages.
Charlie understood that knowledgeable customers are empowered customers. That’s why we explain what defines a diamond’s true worth. The balance of cut, color, clarity, carat, shape, polish and symmetry. Lesser-known factors like crown height, depth percentage, crown angle—everything that defines the anatomy of a stone, and therefore its price.
On our web site, in addition to thousands of gems, we offer an exclusive tool to source and customize the diamond of your dreams. Using our Diamond Search Engine, you can electronically mine through millions of dollars’ worth of polished diamonds to select the perfect stone, setting and design. Similarly, you can customize any of the rings shown opposite, using the Build Your Own Ring page.
All American Diamond stones are GIA-certified, as are those you find in Tiffany, Harry Winston and other major retailers. The only difference you’ll find is in the price.
However, we do more than just satisfy budgetary and aesthetic concerns. We believe that the more you know, the better your diamond and the more fulfilling the gift. All of which creates a value that will last for generations.
And that’s truly priceless.